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12 December 2016

Gary Comerford, Associate Director at Linesight - new Chair of SCSI BIM Working Group

Gary Comerford, Associate Director at Linesight has been selected as the new Chair of the BIM Working Group of the SCSI - a position which he took over from Claire Crowley in October. With over 30 years’ industry experience, Gary is our BIM lead, and coordinates and manages Level 2 BIM projects, as well as specializing in large healthcare developments. Some of the prominent BIM Level 2 projects which he is leading include the New Children’s Hospital and the relocation of the National Maternity Hospital.

The purpose of the Working Group is to develop, educate and provide guidance in relation to BIM with a view to increase awareness and to encourage its adoption amongst the Quantity Surveying membership of the SCSI.

The Group is also engaging on behalf of the SCSI with other relevant industry groups with a view to promoting the use of BIM throughout Ireland. 


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